Family and answering to God

Sometimes when I am alone I get lost in thought, wondering what does God think of us now. Has He given up on His creations or maybe He's just working on new projects. I mean, the universe is infinitely big, ever-expanding and so on, so it's not that much of a stretch to believe He's working on something else. Can we blame Him? Are we so arrogant to think that we deserve all His attention? Humans do not even care about other humans, why should we expect another being to care about us? It's heartbreaking however, because we as humans are at a point in time when we need Him the most. We have become completely lost, the path that we have been following for eons has eroded away, the fear to move on has paralyzed humanity. More and more people are convinced that the end is near or here. One thing that has never changed, even with the contemporary mode of thought, is the family. Carl Sandburg once wrote that a baby is God's opinion that the world should go on, people tend to forget that there is no such thing as American problems or Black problems or Jewish or Arab or white, Chinese, Indian or whatever, they're human problems. Everything that is happening now will at some point effect us all regardless of fault or want. The most disturbing problem we face is the break down of family life and bonding. People have lost respect for the gift that has been given to us. Our life is for living, we are not supposed to be miserable, we are made to be happy; our face is designed to smile, it takes three times more muscles to frown then it does to smile. It's hard to smile however after seeing how some mothers and fathers treat and handle their families. Mothers killing their babies and children, fathers beating their kids--raping their daughters. I swear if I hear about one more idiot teenage girl throwing her newborn baby into a fucking trash can I'm going to loose my fucking mind. It doesn't take much digging in the news to hear about mothers in the middle east, Palestine for example, encouraging their boys to strap bombs on their bodies and blow up innocent women, children, and men for nothing more that political dogma. And then, dance and rejoice in the streets, proclaiming their pride that their son is a martyr, and he is now in heaven with the Lord God. I wonder how long it takes her "martyr" to realize that the "heaven" they awoken to is not what was promised to them? Its dark, and hell is hot. Or better yet, when the mother is dead, and she stands in front of the gates of Heaven and asked why she should pass, what is she going to offer? How will she answer when God says that He gave her a boy, a gift, as she chose to use him that way. "For the glory of GOD" she'll say...and He will say, "How dare you woman, how dare you speak such blasphemy". In the end, there is only one thing that anyone can bring into Heaven, family.


Eretz Yisra'el

In a few short decades America and her allies have become softer and softer regarding their place in the world. There was a time when the men were men, and the ladies were ladies. But today in the contemporary world there seems to be some confusion regarding this matter. The dividing lines have been clouded by multiculturalism and politically correct rhetoric and the situation currently appears to be malignant in nature. What ever happened to the days when being a man is what little boys wanted to become? Or the pride a woman had raising a family and keeping them together and happy? Men were once strong and took the protection of their family and country deadly serious - women were proud of their home they created, the children they created, the life they created. Now look at the world around you. What do you see? Do you still see strong people? If you do, let me know. I see men acting like women, crying on t.v. because Britney Spears is being treated like the trash she is. I see feminist Nazi lesbians taking children away from their mothers because they wear dresses past their knees, because they Cherish family and not their ipod or cell phone. I see men running around the streets saying stupid shit like "Arms are for hugging" "make love not war" or whatever they hear off NPR. All this vulgar display of passiveness and stupidity is broad casted across the world for all of humanity to see. The enemy is laughing. They see us as a joke. They tell us to die and we die. They bomb our buildings and train stations and we apologize. Where are the men in this country? Where is the militancy the Catholics and Jews once had? When before if someone told us to die we would say FUCK YOU, YOU fucking die! Hmmm...



In a war torn land at the center of the Middle East, Israel fought for their right to exist. Jews from around the world, after World War I, emigrated to this tiny portion of the world called Palestine. The native Jewish inhabitants of this area identified themselves as Palestinians before the inception of the State of Israel. It was not until the Palestinian Liberation Organization or PLO that the native Arabs began calling themselves Palestinians. Jews have been calling Palestine home for 5,000 years -- it's hard to "occupy" a region that was promised by God to his chosen people...
Yehuda Amichai 1924-2000
Born in Wurzberg, Germany and emigrated to Jerusalem in 1936 at the age of 12, Amichai began writing poetry based upon what he has witnessed in his new homeland. Amichai uses a short lyrical format that neither preeches nor condones hate or violence. His literary works are worth the search and definitely worth the time to read and study...enjoy.
If I Forget Thee, Jerusalem
If I forget thee, Jerusalem, then let my right be forgotten.
Let my right be forgotten, and my left remember. Let my left remember, and your right close.
And your mouth open near the gate.
I shall remember Jerusalem
And forget the forest--my love will remember, will open her hair, will close my window,
will forget my right, will forget my left.
If the west wind does not come I'll never forgive the walls, or the seas, or myself.
Should my right forget, my left shall forgive.
I shall forget all water.
I shall forget my mother.
If I forget thee, Jerusalem,
Let my blood be forgotten.
I shall touch your forehead, forget my own, my voice change for the second and last time to the most terrible of voices--or silence.
On a roof in the Old City
laundry hanging in the late afternoon sunlight; the white sheet of a woman who is my enemy, the towel of a man who is my enemy, to wipe off the sweat of his brow.
In the sky of the Old City a kite.
At the other end of the string, a child I can't see because of the wall.
We have put up many flags,
They have put up many flags,
To make us think that they're happy,
To make them think that we're happy.
An Arab Shepherd Is Searching for His Goat on Mount Zion
An Arab shepherd is searching for his goat on Mount Zion and on the opposite mountain I am searching for my little boy.
An Arab shepherd and a Jewish father both in their temporary failure.
Our voices meet above the Sultan's Pool in the valley between us. Neither of us wants the child or the goat to get caught in the wheels of the terrible Had Gadya machine.
Afterward we found them among the bushes and our voices came back inside us, laughing and crying.
Searching for a goat or a son has always been the beginning of a new religion in these mountains.


God save the Queen

The world has caught a disease and there does not seem to be any kind of cure. That is to say at least there isn't any kind of cure that we are willing to use. The risk is the retribution even greater. This new disease that has everyone wearing a veil of politically correct deception is radical Islam.

Has the whole world gone crazy? Why are all the red flag signs being ignored? When will humanity wake up and learn from the mistakes of the past? These are some of the questions that are being asked by a few lonely souls that are being pushed aside by those who are so afraid of the truth, and, of being called a racist or bigot or whatever. The strongest countries in the world today are forced down on one knee in the name of political correctness and multiculturalism. What was seen as something to die for in the past is now ridiculed and said to be insensitive. The English used to be some of the most proud people on this earth. English Nationalism never bowed down to anyone or thing. The English died a million deaths to keep the Nazis at bay. The first thing anyone was, was English, period. Now, the politically suicidal elite that are destroying there culture are scared stiff to be seen as anything other than tolerant. They are so tolerant they tolerate the intolerant. It was once said that you need not fear the person who is arguing with the problem, but the one that dodges it. Has the world gone crazy? Goodbye London - Hello Londonstan. You're probably asking what's the big deal with England? Well, simply stated, if England falls, the U.S. is next. Consider England the canary in the mine - ask any miner and they will tell you that by the time you see the dead canary, it's already too late.