Family and answering to God

Sometimes when I am alone I get lost in thought, wondering what does God think of us now. Has He given up on His creations or maybe He's just working on new projects. I mean, the universe is infinitely big, ever-expanding and so on, so it's not that much of a stretch to believe He's working on something else. Can we blame Him? Are we so arrogant to think that we deserve all His attention? Humans do not even care about other humans, why should we expect another being to care about us? It's heartbreaking however, because we as humans are at a point in time when we need Him the most. We have become completely lost, the path that we have been following for eons has eroded away, the fear to move on has paralyzed humanity. More and more people are convinced that the end is near or here. One thing that has never changed, even with the contemporary mode of thought, is the family. Carl Sandburg once wrote that a baby is God's opinion that the world should go on, people tend to forget that there is no such thing as American problems or Black problems or Jewish or Arab or white, Chinese, Indian or whatever, they're human problems. Everything that is happening now will at some point effect us all regardless of fault or want. The most disturbing problem we face is the break down of family life and bonding. People have lost respect for the gift that has been given to us. Our life is for living, we are not supposed to be miserable, we are made to be happy; our face is designed to smile, it takes three times more muscles to frown then it does to smile. It's hard to smile however after seeing how some mothers and fathers treat and handle their families. Mothers killing their babies and children, fathers beating their kids--raping their daughters. I swear if I hear about one more idiot teenage girl throwing her newborn baby into a fucking trash can I'm going to loose my fucking mind. It doesn't take much digging in the news to hear about mothers in the middle east, Palestine for example, encouraging their boys to strap bombs on their bodies and blow up innocent women, children, and men for nothing more that political dogma. And then, dance and rejoice in the streets, proclaiming their pride that their son is a martyr, and he is now in heaven with the Lord God. I wonder how long it takes her "martyr" to realize that the "heaven" they awoken to is not what was promised to them? Its dark, and hell is hot. Or better yet, when the mother is dead, and she stands in front of the gates of Heaven and asked why she should pass, what is she going to offer? How will she answer when God says that He gave her a boy, a gift, as she chose to use him that way. "For the glory of GOD" she'll say...and He will say, "How dare you woman, how dare you speak such blasphemy". In the end, there is only one thing that anyone can bring into Heaven, family.

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