God save the Queen

The world has caught a disease and there does not seem to be any kind of cure. That is to say at least there isn't any kind of cure that we are willing to use. The risk is the retribution even greater. This new disease that has everyone wearing a veil of politically correct deception is radical Islam.

Has the whole world gone crazy? Why are all the red flag signs being ignored? When will humanity wake up and learn from the mistakes of the past? These are some of the questions that are being asked by a few lonely souls that are being pushed aside by those who are so afraid of the truth, and, of being called a racist or bigot or whatever. The strongest countries in the world today are forced down on one knee in the name of political correctness and multiculturalism. What was seen as something to die for in the past is now ridiculed and said to be insensitive. The English used to be some of the most proud people on this earth. English Nationalism never bowed down to anyone or thing. The English died a million deaths to keep the Nazis at bay. The first thing anyone was, was English, period. Now, the politically suicidal elite that are destroying there culture are scared stiff to be seen as anything other than tolerant. They are so tolerant they tolerate the intolerant. It was once said that you need not fear the person who is arguing with the problem, but the one that dodges it. Has the world gone crazy? Goodbye London - Hello Londonstan. You're probably asking what's the big deal with England? Well, simply stated, if England falls, the U.S. is next. Consider England the canary in the mine - ask any miner and they will tell you that by the time you see the dead canary, it's already too late.

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